Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jeans Diapers?!?

So I purchase diapers from Amazon for my baby ever since we came home from the hospital. They have a great program called subscribe and save that I utilize. You can get wipes, pampers and many other items that we reuse over and over again shipped out how frequently you wish.

As for my 3 month old who's more like a 6 month old we go through diapers real fast and the size...well let's say we go with what fits. As I was shopping for diapers I came across this limited edition that got my attention. "Jeans Diapers" Cute...I placed them in my shopping cart, choose one day shipping and by the next day my baby boy was looking extra cute in his jeans diapers!!

I took a photo of him in his jeans diapers and sent it to his Dad who's an Over The Road the road Truck Driver. He thought he looked cute as well. I plan on stocking up on these as the price is good and the diapers are great!

I got a great bargain too. Head over to Amazon, click the link on this page and check out their diapers. You'll be surprised of how much of a deal you could find on Diapers!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thank God It's Friday

This is the usual when you have a typical JOB, but as a home based business owner everyday can feel like it's Friday...Payday! Today you get your check and hopefully it will last you until next Friday. Living paycheck to paycheck is a very tight and stressed way to live, especially nowadays with the cost of living and the financial outlook for many looks bleak.

But not to worry or stress, people are making wise choices and taking their futures and their finances into their hands. They are not relying on one stream or source of income anymore. Even within the Network Marketing arena, the average Home Based Business Owner have multiple projects in their portfolio's that pays them to live the lifestyle they always dreamt of.

Whether that's better schools for their children, paying off their mortgages, buying the cars of their dreams, giving back to their favorite charities, helping and equipping people to succeed, home based business entrepreneurs are living their lives by design...not by default.

So with today being Friday...I hope you're happy with what you got this week. And if it looks like it's missing a few zeroes, that's because it is. Maybe it's time to write your own paycheck. Add a few more zeroes and make every day Friday.
The Pizza Box Formula can add the zeroes that are missing... See It Here!

Monday, November 15, 2010

What Is The Pizza Box Formula Review?

"There's alot of buzz regarding Rod Stinsons newest Program the Premier Wealth System. Premier Wealth System is A Business in A Box and as we explore this Business, we'll see why so many think this Program is all that."

Love Pizza? Have any interest in the Pizza Box? Maybe not, however when watching the Premier Wealth System you'll start liking the Pizza Box. Rod Stinson outlines a simple Business Model on the backside of a Pizza Box! Meat lovers look out as according to Rod's numbers you could be in a lot of meat in just your first month.

With Premier Wealth System paying out a whopping $1497 and $3497 commission many Network Marketers and Direct Sales Professionals are including this in their Online Income Portfolios. For the new MLM/Network Marketer, this might appears as though they're being disloyal to their primary business, but as outline on the Pizza Box Formula Webinar, Rod covers why one would want to have additional income streams.

See The Pizza Box Webinar

The System is somewhat automated. Using the Tools Rod gives away as Fast Start Bonuses one can be up and running in their Business and making money in their first day to a week. Not bad at all, since he does the telling, the selling and the closing for the members of Premier Wealth Systems.

In a nutshell, whether you join PWS you could benefit from the Lead Generation tools that are being given to the new members each and every day. With this knowledge Home Business owners take the opportunity to join as it makes more sense to make the money while building their existing business using the tools.

Is the Rod Stinson program right for you? Only you could decide. However today I placed a video on youtube. I received a call from a young man who's seen the webinar since August. He wants to make sure he gets going with a Team of leaders. I admire that he's doing his due deligence, however procrastination is a dream stealer. I encouraged him that our Team focuses on Marketing and when he's ready he's welcome to Team up with our winning Team.

So in a nutshell, Rod Stinson Premier Wealth System, creates results. Sometimes faster for others than some, however the results are tangible. $1497 and $3497 payments paid to each member. No waiting on checks or small percentages. 100%.

Pizza Box Webinar!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Why MLM Lead System Pro is Being Hailed as one of The Best Lead Generation Systems On The Internet Today

And Why It's The Next Tool You Should Have In Your Toolbox...

If you have explored any of the Lead Generation Systems on the internet, you know that many of the systems being marketed are only designed to separate you from your money. That is why MLM Lead System Pro is being hailed as one of the best lead generating systems available in many people's opinion.

So why is MLM Lead System Pro the best lead generating system? There are several reasons you should consider them. The first is that it is a fully integrated system. That means that all of the pieces you need are built into the system, and that they all work together for your success. Some systems do not include everything. They may talk about different pieces that are necessary for you to succeed, but you will have to go get them on your own.

One of the reasons this system was designed
this way is because the people that developed it have spent years working in MLM Home Based businesses. They know first hand what works, and just as important, what does not work. You get to learn how to make the most efficient use of your time, and not have to waste a lot of time trying different techniques that are not effective. They developed a program that is based on proven systems that they have had success with over and over again.

One key concept that you will learn
is how to effectively market yourself. In a Web 2.0 environment it is important that you learn how to build trust and get your potential customers to believe what you say is the truth. By learning how to tap into the different social networks you can build your reputation as an expert, and you will have people coming to you for solutions. Because you have taken steps to pre-sell your program, people come to you ready to buy.

MLM Lead System Pro has a complete training system. You are taught how to brand your self as a leader in your Primary Business. Your also learn why it is important to market yourself and not your Company. Remember people do business with other people that they know, that they like and that they trust. So MLM Lead System Pro teaches you how to build relationships.

Through a combination of tools and techniques such as professionally designed landing and sales pages, learning how to build a mailing list, and how to do effective follow-ups, you can put together a program that will start to bring in profits right away. One of the frustrations with MLM systems is that you get frustrated at the lack of progress your business makes. When you start to see earnings quickly it helps to keep you energized.

If you really want to see why MLM System Pro is being hailed as one of the best MLM Lead Generating Systems you should do some research. Check out what they claim, and then look around to see what others are saying. You will find that this system really does deliver quality results.

Learn how to build your Primary Business using Attraction Marketing as seen in The
MLM Lead System Pro. If you would like to know more about the Lead Generation Tools I use to Build my Business click on the Banner to the right of this page.

Learn how you can Generate 50-100 Free targeted Leads per Day to Explode your Primary MLM Business.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Why Some Fail In MLM and Some Don't...Read More

So you decided to join your MLM Business Opportunity because:

1. You saw the benefits of being in this particular company yourself-saw that this would supply your more money, more time, more family vacation needs.

2. You were referred by a friend or family member and you totally trusted their instinct.

3. Someone sold you on "the best mlm opportunity" and it was just too good to be true, but you did it anyway.
And I congratulate you as it could work no matter how you got in. My hope is that by the time you finish reading this you'd have learned something new about what you're in if you are in a MLM company already and what you'll be getting into if you are looking to join one. Why is Failure in MLM so easy for Some vs Others?

Mindset-Income-many get started in MLM thinking they can make alot of money right away. With the compensation plans of many MLM the only way to make money right away is to qualify for the Company's Fast Start Bonuses. These Bonuses are usually limited to a specific time frame so you'd have to be very aggressive to qualify and most times you have to wait 30 days to get the Bonus, by then you're in business like 60 days or more.

Mindset-CEO-for those who have never worked from home or have been self-employed being their own Boss can be a bit of a learning curve. Having "Posture" as being your own CEO-Chief Executive Officer of your own multi million dollar empire is often a challenge. You know you paid to get your kit, however you don't feel like the man at the Top or even your Upline. You feel like a newbie. However you are really the CEO of your own life and you have the power to work when you want and from where you are.

On-Going Training-the newbie, often overlooks training. They buy into the idea that you can hang flyers, chase friends and family members and cold call leads to build their Multi Million Dollar Empire only to realize that just don't work. By the time a few realize this they are frustrated and ready to quit their MLM, the one that was going to allow them to quit their day-jobs and work fron the comfort of their homes. However the Smart Marketer knows that On-Going Training is vital in their MLM success and not just any Training, but Training on "How To Generate Your Own Leads" and "How To Make Money Whether Those Leads Join Your MLM or Not."

Leadership Development:yes, Leadership Development. So your up-line is the Leader or so you may think. However each person that gets started with you is looking to you and they will duplicate what you do. So what are you doing? Your "Value" in the Industry determines your "Income." Personal Growth is one of the areas that's often neglected when someone first start out in their Network Marketing Business. Developing your skill-set or not developing your skill set will cause you to fail or succeed in the Industry.

Willingness To Invest-In Your MLM Business-this is the last thought for today, however it's a big one that attracts failure if you're unwilling to invest back into your MLM Business. So often people make the mistake of thinking the money they earned is profit. So they use it to pay bills or something else. I believe in paying the bills, however you MUST put a percentage back into your business. You must put a percentage into your Skill Set and into your Marketing Campaigns. This will allow you to succeed by simply Leveraging your earnings as you re-invest them back into yourself and into your on-going training.

***Rose Dallas is a Direct Sales and Online Marketing Professional. She has been working from home successfully for 5 consecutive years. She currently works with Home Based Business Owners, MLM'ers, Network Marketer's, Direct Sales Professionals to build their Business's to a 6 Figure Income by Implementing the Strategies taught within her MLMLEADSYSTEMPRO.***

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