Monday, November 15, 2010

What Is The Pizza Box Formula Review?

"There's alot of buzz regarding Rod Stinsons newest Program the Premier Wealth System. Premier Wealth System is A Business in A Box and as we explore this Business, we'll see why so many think this Program is all that."

Love Pizza? Have any interest in the Pizza Box? Maybe not, however when watching the Premier Wealth System you'll start liking the Pizza Box. Rod Stinson outlines a simple Business Model on the backside of a Pizza Box! Meat lovers look out as according to Rod's numbers you could be in a lot of meat in just your first month.

With Premier Wealth System paying out a whopping $1497 and $3497 commission many Network Marketers and Direct Sales Professionals are including this in their Online Income Portfolios. For the new MLM/Network Marketer, this might appears as though they're being disloyal to their primary business, but as outline on the Pizza Box Formula Webinar, Rod covers why one would want to have additional income streams.

See The Pizza Box Webinar

The System is somewhat automated. Using the Tools Rod gives away as Fast Start Bonuses one can be up and running in their Business and making money in their first day to a week. Not bad at all, since he does the telling, the selling and the closing for the members of Premier Wealth Systems.

In a nutshell, whether you join PWS you could benefit from the Lead Generation tools that are being given to the new members each and every day. With this knowledge Home Business owners take the opportunity to join as it makes more sense to make the money while building their existing business using the tools.

Is the Rod Stinson program right for you? Only you could decide. However today I placed a video on youtube. I received a call from a young man who's seen the webinar since August. He wants to make sure he gets going with a Team of leaders. I admire that he's doing his due deligence, however procrastination is a dream stealer. I encouraged him that our Team focuses on Marketing and when he's ready he's welcome to Team up with our winning Team.

So in a nutshell, Rod Stinson Premier Wealth System, creates results. Sometimes faster for others than some, however the results are tangible. $1497 and $3497 payments paid to each member. No waiting on checks or small percentages. 100%.

Pizza Box Webinar!

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